Lake Water Filtration
We design, install and maintain lake / pond water filtration systems for domestic use.
Our standard system is a series of components starting with two chemical injection pumps and solution tanks, then two settling / mixing tanks followed by two digital backwash filters designed to provide clean, safe drinking water from most ponds and lakes.
This proprietary system has been proven effective for over six decades. With component and material improvements along the way and automation of maintenance, this system has never been better. Water from our system meets all Health Department standards for (potable) water and is delivered crystal clear and odor free to your home. Our updated design automates almost every process, so you don’t have to spend hours on routine maintenance.
Optional components:
Whole house UV sterilization as a second line of defense against bacteria and pathogens.
Reverse osmosis drinking water filter “purified water on tap” at kitchen sink for cooking water, drinking water, making coffee, tea or ice.